Our Mission

  • At Black Cat Beats Music School, our mission is to bring the love of music to every student we work with.

    We aim to elevate the music teaching industry by providing excellent instruction from a place of support and understanding, embracing technology and incorporating it into our teaching, and finding ways to give back to our communities.

  • Our Philosophies

    At Black Cat Beats Music School, we believe:

    Music is for everyone, but our school is for a select few.

    Not only does music have a place for technology, it is made better by it.

    People learn best when they are supported, not shamed.

    Progress over perfection.

    Children deserve respect.

    We should always alter the method to fit the child; not alter the child to fit the method.

    We can enjoy contemporary music and still appreciate the classics.

    A love of music is more important than any pedagogy or technique.

    Learning has no age limit.

    We can always be better than we were yesterday.

    We have a responsibility as artists & humans to give back to our community.

    And most importantly… all cats are the best cat.